Virtual Interconnection Points
Implementation of the VIP Waidhaus – NCG as of 1 March 2019
NET4GAS informs that the Virtual Interconnection Point VIP Waidhaus – NCG shall be established as of 1 March 2019.
More information on the VIP Waidhaus – NCG implementation can be found in the „Market information regarding VIP implementation at the market border NCG - Czech Republic“ below, in the Public Consultation of the VIP Agreement or on the websites of the German TSOs Open Grid Europe and GRTgaz Deutschland.
Virtual Interconnection Point implementation Brandov – GASPOOL as of 1 November 2018
NET4GAS informs that the Virtual Interconnection Point (VIP) Brandov – GASPOOL shall be established as of 1 November 2018.
Starting November 2018, the transmission capacities of the current interconnection border points Hora Svaté Kateřiny, Hora Svaté Kateřiny – Olbernhau II, Brandov – OPAL, Brandov – Stegal and Brandov – EUGAL shall be exclusively marketed at the newly established VIP Brandov – GASPOOL.
Detailed information regarding the VIP implementation and its impacts on the main commercial processes are published in the VIP Market Information, which was developed in cooperation with the adjacent transmission system operators (TSOs) from the German market area GASPOOL.
In case of any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact our commercial team.
Consultation of the proposal for implementation of the virtual interconnection point as of May 2018
Considering the obligation to implement virtual interconnection points (VIP) coming from Article 19 of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 2017/459 of 16 October 2017, NET4GAS , as the transmission system operator in the Czech Republic, performed a public consultation of the proposal for the implementation of the VIP from 4 May to 21 May 2018. The consultation document and the evaluation can be download below.
Additional information
- Market information regarding VIP implementation at the market border NCG - Czech Republic
- VIP Market Information at the market border GASPOOL - Czech Republic
- Rules for transfer of contracts to VIP – article 14 of the Network Code
- Public consultations