
For suppliers

Public procurement

NET4GAS as the holder of exclusive gas Transmission System Operator (TSO) licence in the Czech Republic is a contracting authority awarding public sector procurement within the meaning of Act No. 134/2016 Coll., On Public Procurement, as amended. NET4GAS is obliged to act according to the Act in case of limit public procurement. Currently, the Government set the financial limits on 10 826 000 CZK for supply and services and 135 348 000 CZK for works contracts. NET4GAS publishes contract notices in the Public Procurement Bulletin, in the European Journal (TED) and at the same time on the contracting entity profile.

Other tenders

Montážní práce na VTL plynovodech - kvalifikace
31.12.24 14:00
Oprava mostního přechodu řeky Vltavy – K (Týn nad Vltavou)
31.10.24 14:00
Přeprava průtokoměrů a jejich sestav
25.10.24 12:00
Maintenance CA Service Desk Manager a Infrastructure Managemenet 2.0
08.11.24 10:00

  • Date - start date of the tender
  • Name of eAuction - name defining content of tender
  • Status:
    • in preparation - tender is being prepared
    • in progress - first round of the tender began
    • completed - tender is finished
  • Round1 - end of the first round
  • Options:
    • - the detailed information for the tender is displayed after clicking on the icon
    • - the application form is displayed after clicking on the icon

If you are interested to be included to the list of suppliers and be invited to tenders of NET4GAS please contact us at