Transmission capacity transfer
A customer may transfer, in full or in part, transmission capacity under a gas transmission contract to another system user (applicant), provided that the transfer concerns transmission capacity for no less than one contract month.
The applicant (the transferee of transmission capacity) must sign a General Gas Transmission Contract with NET4GAS and must meet the financial competence requirements specified in the Network Code. Upon the transfer of capacity, the transferee assumes any and all rights and duties attached to the contractual arrangement with the transferor.
Capacity transfer procedure
To transfer contracted transmission capacity at border points or virtual border points the applicant submits his request for capacity transfer through the auction booking platform(s) PRISMA or GSA.
To transfer contracted transmission capacity at virtual gas storage points the applicant submits Request for Transmission Capacity Transfer in writing in Czech or English no later than three working days before the day on which contracted capacity is to be transferred. The completed Request for Transmission Capacity Transfer signed by both the applicant and the transferor must be sent by e-mail to capacitybooking@net4gas.cz and subsequently in paper form to:
Commercial Management
NET4GAS, s.r.o.
Na Hřebenech II 1718/8
140 21 Prague 4
Czech Republic
The transfer of contracted capacity enters into force no earlier than on the first gas day following the month in which a Request for Transmission Capacity Transfer was filed.
The requirements for capacity transfer are laid down in Part B, Article 13 of the Network Code.