Corporate philanthropy
An integral part of the concept of corporate social responsibility is corporate philanthropy. NET4GAS has a strong sense of its corporate social responsibility, and therefore devotes itself to corporate philanthropy and sponsorship aimed at improving the living conditions where it operates, which is in the Czech Republic, in the following areas:
- NET4GAS Closer to Nature: nature conservation and environmental protection
- NET4GAS Closer to Knowledge: training, education and R&D
- NET4GAS Closer to Regions: community development
NET4GAS Closer to Nature
Come to nature with us at www.closertonature.cz!
We are both a reliable and safe gas transmission system operator, and at the same time pursue a responsible policy aimed at protecting nature and the environment for current and future generations. Our commercial operations are very closely connected with the issue of nature conservation, as during both the construction and the operation of our gas infrastructure we must comply with strict environmental standards. In fact, our concern for the natural environment extends even beyond the requirements of legislation, meaning rather a question of corporate social responsibility. It is this principle which underlies our business activities as well our long term strategy of corporate philanthropy and sponsorship which has been implemented under the programme NET4GAS Closer to Nature since 2007.
NET4GAS has been systematically providing long term support to projects where a major aspect of sustainable development is expressed by precisely that motto “Closer to Nature”. Our web-site www.closertonature.cz serves as the communication platform of the programme.
In 2015, NET4GAS was awarded the VIA BONA Award for a Large Company (nominated by the Czech Union for Nature Conservation for the Closer to Nature program). In 2012, the NET4GAS Closer to Nature program was awarded the Business Leaders Forum Award.
Partner of the ČSOP
The partnership between NET4GAS and the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ČSOP) has pursued a clear and unchanging vision since the collaboration first began in 2007. And that is to present attractive and valuable natural sites to the public, and to use both education and fun as means to raise awareness about the reasons for their protection. Thanks to the support of the NET4GAS Closer to Nature programme dozens of interesting sites have been opened to the public. We help to build nature trails, viewpoints, observation posts, or seating areas and playing elements in nature. Find more about ČSOP on www.csop.cz.
Support for the Young Environmentalists association
It is growing increasingly difficult in this day and age to encourage children and young people to develop a close relationship with nature. In 2013, NET4GAS therefore decided to extend its Closer to Nature programme to include support for precisely this target group, by becoming a partner of the “Golden Leaf” and “Ecological Olympiad” science and nature competitions organised by the “Young Environmentalists” association of the ČSOP.
Golden Leaf is a nationwide science and ecology competition for primary and secondary school students. Its main aim is to bring together kids who have a profound interest in the natural world at an event where they can test out and compare their knowledge through competition. The competition emphasises more than just theoretical “school” knowledge – it also involves hands on work in the natural environment and for its benefit. The Ecological Olympiad is a nationwide secondary school competition which focuses on comparing knowledge and skills in the areas of ecology, nature conservation and care for the environment. It particularly prioritises the practical application of knowledge and skills in solving real problems in the field, as well as the cultivation of teamwork. Find more about SMOP on www.smop.cz.
NET4GAS Closer to Knowledge
We strive for operational excellence delivered by a highly trained and qualified team. Sustainable development, which is one of our top priorities, would be impossible without quality training, education, research and development. We therefore support all of these areas under our programme NET4GAS Closer to Knowledge. Thanks to this programme, we have been able to help many secondary schools, universities and higher education institutions, along with other initiatives.
Partner to universities
We support the development of technical studies at Czech universities. Since 2012, we have been a partner to the The Department of Sustainable Fuels and Green Chemistry of the Faculty of Environmental Technology at the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, and since 2015 a partner to the Czech Technical University in Prague. The funds are designated primarily straight for students and will be provided by way of extraordinary or merit scholarships and evaluation of final theses, whether Master or PhD ones.
NET4GAS Closer to Regions
A cornerstone of our business is the long-term development and maintenance of the gas transmission system, which runs through almost every one of the regions of the Czech Republic. As a good neighbour, we target long-term support on local development where we operate by means of our programme NET4GAS Closer to Regions.
Grant Program
In addition to the aforementioned long-term partnerships, NET4GAS also supports other projects under the so-called Grant Program in the three programs above. For more information, please refer to the Grant Program Rules attached below. ATTENTION, new requirement: with the exception of the "Affirmation" part where a scanned signature of the Statutory Person is required, the form must be submitted in MS Word .doc/.docx format. N4G will disregard documents submitted in any other format!
Current closing date for applications: 31 March 2022 (evidence of grant use has to be documented by 30 June 2023)