What conditions do I need to meet to submit nominations?
In order to submit nominations, you need to:
- Conclude a General Gas Transmission Contract with NET4GAS
- NET4GAS will automatically issue a shipper code for the network user
- create in the CAMS system a shipper pair using a shipper code issued by an adjacent system operator
- Conclude a Gas Transmission Contract on one of the capacity booking platforms (PRISMA, GSA, NET4GAS (CAMS) and/or conclude a contract on a secondary market.
- Fulfill financial eligibility conditions of NET4GAS (according to Annex 1 of the Network Code) and, in case of cleared entities, also the financial eligibility conditions of OTE
What is the transmission nominations process?
For a given border point, a network user nominates the required transmission capacity under the relevant shipper pair via (a) the NET4GAS information system (CAMS), (b) the system of an adjacent TSO, or (c) the system of the Czech market operator (OTE) in case the network user is registered with OTE. All these information systems are interconnected, and thus all transmission nominations and re-nominations are exchanged without delay.
Network users submit nominations by 14:00:00 on the respective gas day for the following gas day.
Transmission re-nominations are submitted within two hours after the deadline of submitting the nominations, i.e. by 16:00:00 on the respective gas day for the following gas day and further at every whole hour, however, no later than by 03:00:00 on the gas day for which the nominations were submitted. A network user can submit re-nominations effective from hour H+2 after the re-nomination has been created.
The nominations shall be submitted as a total daily nomination for the gas day or broken down by hours of the gas day. A network user can send a nomination as many times as it wants but only the last nomination before the full hour is considered binding and is processed into a matching cycle. The received nomination is checked against the network user's booked capacity, already passed hours and if the nomination is made using the correct shipper pair. In case of a foreign participant, the nomination imbalance is also checked. At the whole hour, the sum of nominations of all shippers at a given border point are checked against the technical capacity of that point.
For further information please visit our website.
How can I receive a shipper code and a shipper pair?
The shipper code is set after a General Gas Transmission Contract is concluded between NET4GAS and a network user. Shipper code can be found in the CAMS system (section Nominations, Shipper Code screen). Next the network user creates a shipper pair with any validity period using a shipper code issued by an adjacent system operator in the CAMS system (Nominations section, Shipper Pair List screen). The network user submits its nominations under this shipper pair. The existing shipper pair validity period can be also prolonged by the user.
Which systems do I need to use for nominations?
The Czech market operator (OTE), NET4GAS, and the operators of the adjacent transmission systems all accept a transmission nomination at a border point as a total daily nomination for the gas day or an hourly nomination where the gas day nomination has been broken down into hours. The above-mentioned information systems are interconnected, and thus the exchange of all transmission nominations and re-nominations is conducted without delay.
Please note that only network users registered at OTE can submit nominations in both systems of NET4GAS and OTE. A network user not registered at OTE only has access to the NET4GAS system.
What are the deadlines for transmission nominations and re-nominations?
Network users submit transmission nominations by 14:00:00 on the respective gas day for the following gas day. Transmission re-nominations are submitted within two hours after the submission of nominations, i.e. by 16:00:00 on the respective gas day for the following gas day and further at every whole hour, however, no later than by 03:00:00 on the gas day for which the nominations were submitted.
A network user can send a nomination and re-nominations as many times as it wants, but only the last nomination before the whole hour is considered binding and is processed into the matching cycle.
For further information, please visit our website.
How do nominations work?
Transmission nominations are submitted by a network user for entry and exit points of the transmission system in accordance with the Gas Market Rules (Articles 66, 67, 69). A network user submits nominations up to the sum of its booked firm and interruptible transmission capacity.
The assignment of transmission nominations to gas transmission contracts is as follows. First nominations are assigned to all valid long-term gas transmission contracts, then to annual, quarterly, monthly, day-head, and intra-day gas transmission contracts. Next, they are then assigned to the gas transmission contracts with additional firm capacity with an “oversubscription” attribute, and the remaining transmission nominations are gradually assigned to day-ahead and intra-day gas transmission contracts with interruptible capacity.
For more information, see Article 9 of the Network Code and Part Five of the Gas Market Rules.
Is over-nomination possible?
Over-nomination at a given border point is possible in case a re-nomination restriction condition, as stated in Article 30 of the Gas Market Rules, is fulfilled or if there is no standard intra-day transmission capacity available. Via over-nomination, a network user can request to book the intra-day interruptible transmission capacity for a given border point. Over-nominations cannot be submitted earlier than at 19:00 of the gas day preceding the gas day for which the transmission capacity is booked.
For more information, please see Section 4.13 of the Network Code and the Gas Market Rules (Articles 31, 69 and 70).
Imbalances and balancing rules
For every cleared entity and foreign participant, the market operator, OTE, keeps an imbalance account. An imbalance is the difference between the sum of gas quantity allocations at all entry points of the gas system and the sum of allocations at all exit points of the gas system, reflecting the cleared entity’s input and off-take obligations. There is flexibility provided to every cleared entity. The size of the flexibility is determined by the market operator every gas day for each entry and exit point.
For further information, see the Gas Market Rules (Part Six).