Trading at the Czech Virtual Trading Point (VTP)
What are the conditions for trading at the Czech VTP?
All shippers shall fulfill all obligations given by Czech legislation, in particular by the Energy Act (for an overview of the shipper’s duties, see Article 61) and by the Gas Market Rules.
For trading at the Czech VTP, you do not need to conclude any contract with NET4GAS if you do not use border points or gas storage facilities. However, to be able to trade on the Czech VTP, a gas trading license is needed. The license is granted in accordance with the Energy Act (Articles 4 – 11) and is issued by the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO). Further, the trader shall be registered with the Czech market operator, OTE, responsible for market balancing. The requirements for OTE registration are available at the OTE website. Therefore, an Agreement on Settlement of Imbalances needs to be concluded with OTE.
Registration with OTE is not necessary when the network user does not trade at the Czech VTP but only imports/exports gas using the border points of the transmission system and the points of the virtual gas storage facilities.