
News for shippers

24.08.2018 TRU service continues to receive positive market response

In the quarterly capacity auction in August, almost all the offered TRU capacity from the Czech Republic to Austria (22,000 kWh/h) in the summer quarters Q2/2019 and Q3/2019 was sold.

27.07.2018 TRU service offer in quarterly auction

NET4GAS and Gas Connect Austria offer the remaining TRU service quantity as a quarterly service. The bidding window for the quarterly auction will open on 6 August 2018 at 09:00 CE(S)T.

19.07.2018 TRU: positive market response

The new TRU service, connecting the Austrian and the Czech gas markets, has received positive response from the market as approx. 80% of the total offered capacity from CZ to AT was sold.

16.07.2018 Public tender "Gas Supply and Withdrawal in 2019"

NET4GAS has published the public tender "Gas Supply and Withdrawal 2019“. You can find its details on the profile of the contracting entity NET4GAS.

25.06.2018 NEWS4SHIPPERS June 2018

NET4GAS publishes another issue of its quarterly newsletter, providing shippers with news about its products and services, this time focused mainly on the TRU service and annual capacity auction held in July.

21.06.2018 Evaluation: VIP Consultation

During the public consultation process, NET4GAS received several comments from the market to its proposal for the VIP implementation. The evaluation of the submitted comments is published in an attached document.

11.06.2018 TRU service auction starts on July 2

NET4GAS and Gas Connect Austria offer a new specially designed TRU Service connecting the Czech and Austrian gas markets directly for the Gas Year 2018/19.

04.05.2018 Consultation: proposal for VIP implementation

NET4GAS launches public consultation of the proposal for implementation of the virtual interconnection point.

17.04.2018 Capacity auction at IP Lanzhot exit capacity for May 2018

The exit firm capacity auction at IP Lanžhot for month May 2018 was cancelled from uncaused technical reasons. NET4GAS will offer for May interruptible capacity in the auction on April 24.

16.03.2018 NEWS4SHIPPERS March 2018

NET4GAS publishes the second issue of its quarterly newsletter, providing shippers with news about its products and services, this time focused mainly on auctions and product prices.

08.12.2017 NEWS4SHIPPERS December 2017

NET4GAS publishes the first issue of its new quarterly newsletter which aims to provide shippers with information about its products and services.

20.10.2017 Public tender „Gas Supply in 2018

NET4GAS has published a public tender „Gas Supply in 2018“. You can find its details on the profile of the contracting entity NET4GAS.

26.07.2017 Incremental Capacity Process

In line with the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459, NET4GAS publishes market demand assessment reports in the section Services and customers.

18.07.2017 Public tender „Gas Supply and Sale 2018“ published

You can find the details on the profile of the contracting entity NET4GAS .

16.06.2017 Information regarding TRU Service

The Czech and Austrian regulatory authorities together with NET4GAS and Gas Connect Austria have finished the consultation process on CZ-AT market integration (the so-called TRU service).
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