Trading Region Upgrade service will be offered in a quarterly auction
The Austrian and the Czech Gas Transmission System Operators Gas Connect Austria and NET4GAS have decided to offer the remaining Trading Region Upgrade (TRU) service quantity, which was not sold in the July yearly auction, as a quarterly service. The bidding window for the quarterly auction will open on 6 August 2018 at 09:00 CE(S)T.
Background information
The main aim of the new specially designed TRU service, connecting the Austrian and the Czech gas markets, is to simplify transaction procedures and reduce transaction costs. For the first time, market participants have the opportunity to bid for their gas to be shipped from Austria to the Czech Republic and vice versa with a single contract. With this, the two companies are also implementing in practice the European Union’s target to bring markets together in an easy and cost-efficient way.
Both Transmission System Operators offer the TRU service individually. Cross-border transactions from Austria to the Czech gas market are provided by Gas Connect Austria, transactions from the Czech Republic to the Austrian gas market by NET4GAS.
The TRU service is offered within a one-year pilot phase after which the product will be evaluated. For further details on the TRU service and the quarterly auction procedure, please contact the Transmission System Operators directly or visit their websites: www.net4gas.cz and www.gasconnect.at.